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2013-11-7 14:59:51      点击:




Cortez疟原虫抗原免疫层析快速检测卡是一种检测疟原虫抗原快速膜筛查试剂。本试验是一种新一代的侧向免疫层析实验。用于人体全血中特异性抗原PF、 PV的定性检测。





• 测试卡

• 缓冲液

• 使用说明书


• 加样枪

• 小刀

• 计时器



1. 静脉穿刺收集全血,放入含有EDTA的抗凝管中。

2. 样品收集后要储存于2-8℃的环境下,可保存三天;如需保存更长时间则应冻存。

3. 如果储存于2-8℃,全血样品必须三天内使用。


1. 用酒精对取血部位进行消毒

2. 用手指挤压采血部位,消过毒的柳叶刀刺破皮肤,进行采血。

3. 用消毒纱布或者消毒棉拭去第一滴血。

4. 毛细管接触采血。



1. 加入5ul全血于样品孔“s”处。

2. 加入两滴(约80ul)缓冲液于箭头所指处。

3. 20分钟内读取实验结果。


1. 恶性疟原虫阳性


2. 间日疟原虫阳性


3. 恶性疟原虫和间日疟原虫都为阳性







1. 必须严格按照使用说明进行实验。

2. 抗凝血物质如EDTA等不影响实验结果。

3. 此试剂盒主要检测人全血中疟原虫HRP-2和乳酸脱氢酶,对于疟原虫的诊断筛查具有很高的实用价值。

4. 不同批号间的试剂不能混合。

5. 此试剂盒不能用于检测PM,,尽管它对HRP-2和pyLDH有很高的精确性。也不能作为疾病诊断的唯一依据。


【中国总代】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司

【联系电话】 020-82574011 13802525278 13710007117

【公司传真】 020-32206070

【电子邮件】 Service@jianlun.com

【腾讯 QQ 712628580 712628581

【公司网址】 www.jianlun.com

【营销中心】 广州市中山大道中358号东溪商务大厦B511

【公司地址】 广州市天河区车陂第十五工业园一幢4067

  Los Angeles based Diagnostic Automation/Cortez Diagnostics, Inc. offers a Malaria Rapid diagnostic Test for Pan-LDH antigens.   This Malaria Rapid Test can detect all four species of malaria Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium oval, and Plasmodium malaria.   The Malaria Rapid Test is for the qualitative detection of one or more of the known Malaria species: P. falciparum, p. vivax, P. oval, and/or P. malaria by detecting lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in human blood.   This Malaria Rapid Testis for in vitro diagnostic use only.

        Users of this Malaria Rapid Test know that Malaria is a serious parasitic disease characterized by fever, chills, and anemia and is caused by a parasite that is transmitted from one human to another by the bite of infected Anopheles mosquitoes.   When administering this Malaria Rapid Test, it is important to know that there are four kinds of malaria that can infect humans: Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, and Plasmodium malariae. In humans, the parasites (called sporozoites) migrate to the liver where they mature and release another form, the merozoites. The disease now occurs in more than 90 countries worldwide, and it is estimated that there are over 500 million clinical cases and 2.7 million malaria-caused deaths per year. At the present, malaria is diagnosed by looking for the parasites in a drop of blood, as done in this Malaria Rapid Test.   Blood will be put onto a microscope slide and stained so that the parasites will be visible under a microscope.

       Diagnostics Automation/Cortez Diagnostics, Inc.'s Malaria Rapid Test for pan-LDH antigens contains a membrane strip, which is pre-coated with anti- pan LDH monoclonal antibodies on the test line region of the strip.   When a Whole Blood specimen from this Malaria Rapid Test is applied at one end of the membrane and following the application of the assay buffer, it reacts with the colloidal gold-anti-pan LDH antibodies that have already been applied to the specimen pad on the Malaria Rapid Test.   The mixture then migrates chromate-graphically towards the other end of the membrane and reacts with the monoclonal antibodies previously placed on the Malaria rapid test line region. If the blood contains one or more of the four Malaria species, a colored line will appear in the Malaria rapid test line region, showing a positive result. The absence of the colored line in the test region indicates a negative result therefore the whole blood does not contain detectable levels of any of the Malaria species. To serve as a procedural control on this Malaria rapid test, a colored line will always appear at the control line region if the Malaria rapid test has been performed properly. This control line serves to validate the performance of the Malaria rapid test.

   Diagnostic Automation/Cortez Diagnostics offers two formats of the Malaria Rapid Test.   This Malaria Rapid Test for Pan-LDH antigens and a Malaria Rapid Test for pf and pv antigens.   For more information regarding these Malaria Rapid Tests, please contact Customer Service.   This Malaria Rapid Test for pan-LDH antigens is available in cassette format only.